As long as users choose passwords that are sufficiently difficult for others to guess, the combination of a user name and password is usually enough to establish identity. 只要用户选择了他人很难猜到的密码,那么用户名和密码的组合通常就足以确立身份。
For example, when you log on to a personalized portal like Yahoo, you establish an identity, and no matter where you travel in the Yahoo domain, your identity remains intact. 例如,当登录到像Yahoo这样的一个个性化的门户时,您将建立一个身份(identity),在Yahoo域中,无论导航到哪里,您的身份都不会改变。
Establish user identity before accessing any business functions. 在访问任何业务功能之前建立用户标识。
It would of course have been better to find his remains complete, to establish the identity of Cervantes with certainty, he said, but I still have the feeling today of having reached the end of a journey. 他说,为了确定塞万提斯尸体的身份,当然,最好还是能找到他的整具尸体,但是我今天仍然有走到旅行终点的感觉。
Constantly challenge and improve yourself, and you'll become comfortable doing new things-and you will establish your identity ( both to yourself and others) as someone who takes risks. 经常挑战并改善自己,你在接触新鲜事物时就会变得更自如,而且这样你将为自己打造出一个勇于承担风险的形象(这个形象存在于你自己的心目中,也存在于他人眼中)。
His dispersed perspectives help Americans of Chinese decent establish mixed identity with multiculturalism as a starting point so that they can reconstruct new spiritual home in the United States. 飞散视角有助于美国华裔建立混合身份认同,从而以多元文化为出发点,在美国重建新的精神家园。
It's a powerful tool that strengthens your pages'organization and helps your company establish a strong identity. 利用重复原则可以增强网页组织性,建立良好的公司形象,下面介绍运用此原则的方法。
I finally feel like I'm starting to establish my own identity as a solo artist. 我终于感到我开始成为一名独立的艺术家。
So, establish human common identity, especially the different parties agree that life order, no matter who as a person. 所以,建立起人类共有的认同,特别是各不同政党都认同的生活秩序,无论谁作为人。
The clues he left did not establish his identity. 他留下的线索不能确定他的身份。
Doubts were raised immediately over the HK$ 88,000 per square foot sale price and local newspapers are still trying to establish the identity of the buyer. 每平方英尺8.8万港元的售价一经报道,立刻引起了人们的怀疑。当地报纸目前仍在试图确定买主身份。
If you use login controls or forms authentication to establish user identity, you can also use role management in conjunction with membership. 如果使用login控件和forms身份验证建立用户标识,则还可以联合使用角色管理和成员资格。
The swindler gave himself away when he was asked to establish his identity. 在被要求证明其身分时,那个骗子露了马脚。
This is useful if you are creating a publication package, and it helps you to establish your company identity and brand. 如果创建的是出版物包,这是非常有用的,并且它可以帮助您建立公司标识和品牌。
PAP provides a simple method for a remote node to establish its identity using a two-way handshake. 密码验证协定提供远端节点一个简单的方法,利用二步骤式握手交谈建立其资讯。
These can help establish an identity, spread pride among citizens and build unity. 这些可以帮助建立一个身份,公民之间传播的自豪感和建设团结。
We need something, danny, anything to establish an identity for this guy. 我们要找到点证据,至少可以证明是某个人。
Hence these attempts to establish a shared identity based on particular beliefs and facts. 因此,这些努力都是在尝试建立一种基于特定信念和事实的共享的身份认同。
The starting point is to establish the identity of the raw material by consulting a reliable traditional source& texts as well as traditional knowledge holders. 首先,可通过咨询那些值得信赖的传统资源和书本以及传统知识的拥有者来建立原材料方面的标准。
Provided that surrogate motherhood was pregnant with sterile couples'embryo, to establish child's identity is easy. 用不孕夫妻的胚胎怀孕,这样确立小孩的身份就很容易。
Appropriate testing should be performed to establish fully the identity and purity of the primary reference standard. 应当做合适的测试来全面制订该基本参考标准品的鉴别和纯度。
So in this course, it was very important for the intellectuals to establish their modern identity. 既然如此,在这一人的发现与确立过程中,现代中国知识分子的现代身份的确立就显得尤为重要。
The reform and law stipulation should focus on: Firstly, establish the identity of the peasants as landowners. 改革的方向及立法思路应为:第一,确立农民土地使用权的主体地位。
How to establish the identity of the traditional culture for contemporary Chinese is an urgent and complicated problem. 如何构建当代中国人对传统文化的认同将是一个紧迫而又复杂的问题。
It helps African American people recognize and establish their identity. 在小说中它是美国黑人认识自我、建立自我的强大的依靠,也是他们保持民族文化独立性的力量源泉。
With the measure of these safe risks, to establish complex fictitious catalog, to encrypt asp file, to encrypt the communication between server end and customer end, to establish the identity of strict certification. 应对这些安全风险的措施有,建立复杂的虚拟目录,给asp文件加密,加密服务器端和客户端之间的通讯,建立严格的身份认证等。
Through her works, Morrison proposes that realizing cultural return and identification is the only way for African-Americans to escape from identity dilemma in order to establish their identity in the new world. 通过她的文学作品,莫里森提出了对于非洲裔美国人摆脱文化身份困境的新的见解:实现文化回归与文化认同,以确立其在新世界中的身份并由此真正地融入现代社会。
This paper mainly from the visual communication to discuss how to use the clothing brand logo color for brand recognition and brand building, the illustrated form describes the clothing brand is how to apply color to establish brand identity brand image. 本文主要从视觉传达的高度来探讨如何运用服装品牌标识色来进行品牌形象识别与品牌构筑,采用图文并茂的形式阐述了服装品牌是如何应用品牌标识色来树立品牌形象的。
Taking full advantage of the records to establish identity protection for the national culture is our responsibility to protect and pass on the intangible cultural heritage. 充分利用档案的独特优势为民族文化建立身份保护,是我们保护和传承非物质文化遗产的责任。
To explore actively to establish the identity security system for judges is not only the voices of the majority of the judges, but also common aspiration of every people who owns the dreams of constitutionalism. 探索建立法官身份保障制度,不仅是法官们的迫切呼声,更是拥有宪政梦的每一个法律人的共同心愿。